Current times seem often to be filling us with a sense of heaviness. So many unknowns and great unrest. We need to stay informed and present… MAYBE we don’t have to be consumed by it all.
I WANT TO PLAY and bring in that which brings JOY and LAUGHTER and LOVE into my life. WILL YOU PLAY WITH ME?
Thursday, August 20, from 6-9 pm PDT, we will make our “JOY BOOK” (or my “LOVE, PEACE & ROCK and ROLL BOOK”) —they fold, you can put them on your altar, your desk… keeping the energy present. They are fun and you do not need to have experience in the art field to do this.
Investment in YOU: $49 (Members of Creating Radiant Health $39 – Use CRHmember at checkout)
Register early so you can get your simple supplies together. List sent upon registration
Here’s a sample book from ‘My Path to Peace’